

Friday, September 23, 2011


I love sports. I push my girls to try everything, to find out what they like. I tell them all the time that they could be and do anything they want in life. They could play many sports, become the president of the United States, be a doctor, teacher, anything their heart desires. Kylie, my oldest, told me she wants to be a Doctor and take care of other adults when she's bigger. Taylor, my youngest, wants to be a princess *she's 3*. Danielle wants to dance. I have the best children ever.
Have you noticed how a lot of children these days have no sense of imagination? Sad, isn't it? My girls love books, playing outside and loving life. I push manners on them, making sure they say "please", "thank you" and the like. That's one thing that many people have complimented me on the most. My daughters are sweet, polite and so much fun.
Anyways, back to sports, I love that the NFL is "in session" as well as NASCAR. It's not as fun to watch alone, but I'm always able to talk about games and races with Tye when he's at the motel. My girls are going to know these sports far better than any male around! haha They ask me what's going on with plays as well as how many points they get. As for driving, they just love cars! Wouldn't it be neat if the girls turned into amazing racecar drivers? Yes, I'm random today.
The saddest thing lately, is how much the girls miss their Daddy. We are able to talk to him every night. That is, except tonight. He's on a LONG day, started at 2 this morning, and won't be back to the motel until midnight or later.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is sad that a lot of children have no sense of imagination. We dealt with that with my SS (stepson). When he built with Legos, all he could do was build guns and be really violent. It was always a concern to me... I asked him if he could use his imagination in other areas... build a car, a rocket ship, an animal... something else other than something that was violent. His response was "I don't know how to play outside of guns and violence." Oh that is just great. Tells you what he was subject to at home...

    At the same time, I see other kids who are distracted by all the video games and TV shows and not getting outside and playing, playing with toys, and using all of their senses to create. No wonder so many don't have that sense of imagination. Video games are all fun and dandy, in moderation - that is key.

    So good for you in encouraging your kiddos! They are amazing girls, just like their mother! They will have a good head on their shoulders throughout their life with your teachings!
