

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Me :D

There are times in life when people want to throw in the towel. People get things in their lives that they are unsure what to do. I had been there before. I changed my life around to see things in a different light. I did not change who I am, though. I am still caring, outgoing and smart. I know what I needed to see things more positively. I was hating people, despising everything wrong with me, not liking my family or friends. I actually did not like me. I did not like the way I saw things. I decided that I wanted something better for myself. I opened my eyes, I changed something about me to see that things are amazing in the light. I have only few true friends. I have family that loves me, even if we are not close. I have incredible children. I have the most amazing husband, who loves me through my flaws. I have more than a lot of people will ever have in their lifetimes. I'm rich. I am blessed. I am loved.