

Monday, September 19, 2011


School is kicking my derriere!! I decided to return to college after nearly ten years of being out. I want to better myself for my kids' sake. I am in month 9 of college, attending Kaplan Online University. Those of you with children understand why I am attending online! I've had a 4.0 in my other six classes I've taken; however, Introduction to Psych is proving to be a tough class for me. I love having the challenge, but dang!! Sometimes I want to just throw my hands up and beg for a break!

I may be struggling, but I still have a B in the class. I have time to bring it up. I'm working hard on maintaining a good grade and want to prove to my children that you can do anything! I think that if they see me pushing for a degree, they will want to fulfill all their dreams as well.

I know this is a short post, but I have to get back to my Homework. Much Loves to my friends and family.

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