

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life as we Know it

Sometimes I just don't want to care. I have had many friends... or acquaintances rather... turn their back on me. I always try to help out where I can, whether it be simply a message saying "I love you" to donating an old high chair to someone in need. We went to Canyon on Friday to give a gal who has a 2 year old and a 1 year old our old high chair seeing as we didn't have a need for it any more. Well the van was working all day long, not showing signs of any problems. Low and behold, when we dropped off the high chair, the van wouldn't start back up. We called a wonderful friend who was able to travel the 80 miles to help bring the van home. After we got home and got some sleep, we bought a new starter, thinking that was the problem. Replaced the starter to find, that's not what is wrong with it. Tye worked on the van the whole week he was home, yet the van still isn't working. Oh well, I'm out a vehicle for now. The thing that bums me out is I asked a "friend" if they could help me maybe at least try to pin down the full problem with the van, he said he's got too much going on and cannot help. Okay, that's fine. My biggest problem is I know they have the time to assist, I'm not asking them to FIX it for me, but to help me figure out what is truly wrong with this vehicle. UGH. Walk away, Shel.

My poor husband just worked a 34 hour day in the field. I miss him tons. I never thought of how hard it was to tell your children that Daddy's at work, but he loves you and misses you. I have to say this every morning and every night. Tye's a great Daddy and it shows with how much the girls ask about him. Danielle was mad at me last night because I told her Daddy was working late and we couldn't talk to him on Skype. Life sure is tough in this economy, but you have to do what you have to do.

Kylie and Danielle are running for Little Princess for their school. This is the first year they've had this competition in 10 years! We met the last girl to win, who is now a Junior in High school. She was in the 1st grade when she won. Saturday is the Cotton Festival as well as the day that the winner is announced for Little Princess. I hope the girls understand when I tell them that it doesn't matter who wins, they are beautiful and amazing in my eyes, as well as the rest of their family and friends' eyes. I will post pictures of them on their Little Princess Float. My girls are incredible. I love them with all my heart. Taylor is going to dress up too, can't leave her out even though she's too young to run for Little Princess.

1 comment:

  1. If there was a way for me to help you figure out what was wrong with your vehicle, I would do it in a heartbeat!

    And good for your in paying it forward, even if others don't or won't. What you are doing will bless you now and forever! You have a good heart, keep doing what you're doing. (((HUGS)))
