

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Physical features

I love who I am, but I'm not very happy with how I look. I am 30 pounds over weight, and don't deem myself as pretty. I know I sound like nearly every other woman on this great planet.

Here is where YOU can be helpful. I want to lose the 30 pounds, but I have no stroller for walks, I want an elliptical machine for my house but don't have the $ yet, I diet and do small workouts here at home, to no avail, I have no gym nearby. I'm not making excuses, I want this change, I look at pictures and just say "ugh". I've been thinking of a facial make over as well. have my eyebrows trimmed properly, the right makeup for my skin type and color, maybe a nice haircut, although I love my long hair. I want to be a better Mom, better wife, better friend, better daughter, etc. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
I had tried but it didn't help me at all, there were some supportive-ness but not as much as I had hoped for. I am thinking of buying a scale and starting a weight loss journal. I'd write everything I did for that day, how much I weighed first thing in the morning, everything I ate and how my mood was. I just want to be happy with me physically.


  1. I have a great site for you to check out, it has exercises you can do at home, or at the gym. If you don't have the equipment, then just use canned food or bottles of water as weights. This is Marci Lock's site, and she used to be overweight, and she knows what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. And she'll help you with mental blocks, too. You can do it!!

  2. TY Melissa, I'll definitely check her out!

  3. I also have a friend who has a great website. I'll share a link with you on FB and then her site as well. I have some resources and thoughts (weight loss, skin care etc.) that could help you as well, but we can talk about that some other time. There is always a way, even when money is tight... I know that when I look my best, it just enhances my inner beauty. And you definitely have a beautiful inner beauty! Just imagine, when you enhance that even more, you'll be glowing even more :) ♥ ya!!!
