

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Have you ever been so indecisive about something, that one day you thought you weren't the best thing for your family, then the next day you were so proud of yourself for something? That's me, to a T. I think I am incredible today. I brought my grade in my Intro to Psych class from an 88% to a 91%! I just have to bring it up to a 94% to maintain my 4.0!!!
Yesterday I was feeling as if I was not the Mom I am. I want a change, yes, I want to look and feel better with myself; however, I am incredible. I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to. Mostly, I can do it because of the people standing beside me the whole way. I have my husband and children who are backing me. My husband told me he was so proud of me. Those words I never thought would mean much to me, but they brought a tear to my eye. My mom told me that she is proud that I am even continuing in school, bettering myself for my girls. That has made me feel so wonderful. My dad has helped me through my essays and has been such an asset to my schooling. I couldn't be more thankful. I have dear friends on On Wings Of Faith who have been beside me throughout my journey of returning to school. I could not be more happy with who I have in my life. Tye, Mom, Dad, Jennie, Melissa, Andrea, Sara and anyone I've missed **I'm sorry if I missed you** I couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You love me for who I am. I am overwhelmed by your love and kindness.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a normal mommy feeling - I feel that way all the time! Great one day, inadequate the next. Good for you in your schooling! I am so proud of you! I wish I had the confidence in myself as you do with school. You are a great example to me! Thank you!

    Woot woot On Wings of Faith ;) We love you!!! (((HUGS)))
