

Monday, October 17, 2011


There are a few things in life that scare the crap out of me. I don't like bees or wasps, I don't like being alone, I don't like watching horror movies alone. The thing that scares me most of all is breast cancer. Well cancer in general. I can be in control of the other things I'm afraid of, but cancer, I'm not in control of the outcome. I've always been afraid of cancer. I've seen a lot of heartache due to it. I've been through some heartache with cancer myself. My Grandma had cancer. I cannot remember what she had, but I know she suffered.
The school my children attend held a pep rally to honor those who are cancer survivors and to never forget those who were taken from us. They played this video, there was not a dry eye in that gym. Life throws us curve balls. This song shows us that with the love and support of family and friends, we can make it through anything.
I am truly blessed to have the friends and family that I have. I know that no matter what life throws at me, I am loved. So, I'd like to tank you all for being the people who love me and will help me through the hardest of times.

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