

Sunday, December 13, 2015

So many changes

We have been through so many changes over the past few months!

We relocated! I have my Dream job! I see Tye every night! 

I have this new piece of my heart to love on! My gorgeous niece is almost 2 months old! And I get to hang out withe my nephew!

I won a prize in a fair for this gorgeous frozen waterfall! I'm so happy!

I get to see my sister any time I want!

And to top it off, I have friends whom I absolutely adore who only live 3 hours away!

Yes, lots of changes. I am a paraprofessional for special needs high school littles! It is such an amazing job. I always wanted to be working with kids, but never thought I'd be working in high school. They have changed my world. I absolutely love it and hope to continue making a difference.  I've been thinking of returning to school, yes, again. I want to be an English teacher or guidance counselor! Pretty ambitious, huh?

I am still doing my photography and love it. It's so pretty here in Arizona. I can't wait to do many more shoots.

I live only a few blocks from my sister and get to see her, my brother, niece and nephew all the time! I absolutely love that I am able to. I enjoy what we share.

Some wonderful friends come up, and we go down, to visit them whenever we can. It's wonderful to have them nearby. They are sweet, adore my kids have have a little boy who also claims I'm his auntie! 

Tye has a job where he is home every night. I have always wanted this. I feel like a normal family! It's been rough to adjust, and we are still catching up with the cost of the move. Yet, I couldn't be happier.

Over all, life is pretty freaking awesome!

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