

Friday, June 5, 2015

Little Things

I'm awful. I keep letting little things get to me. I keep thinking to myself things like, why do I bother? Should I just stop? Am I even appreciated?

I feel like I bust my ass, do my damndest and yet no "thank you"'s. no "Great job Shel!" no "I'm so glad to have you!" Nothing. I hurry through things to get stuff done for people, knowing damn well I could do better if I wasn't hounded to get it done. Wishing for that chance to prove I can be amazing.

I just want to be better I guess. To prove to myself that I'm good at what I do, that I matter to someone... anyone...

Okay, enough of that. I've been doing what I can to relocate: Trying to find houses and jobs in Arizona. I want so bad to move, to be near my sister, to visit with my nephew and that new baby. I love being close to family and am glad I have gotten closer to my sister.

I can only hope my girls have a good relationship with each other as they grow. They are pretty amazing. At the very least, they make me happy. They appreciate me. They need me.

 I am so beyond blessed to have them, and I realize that every day. They are smart, polite, good listeners and love to learn! They are always anxious for a History or Science lesson. I love that in them! They are great at sharing and taking care of each other. Yes, I am beyond blessed. I'm told continuously how wonderful my littles are, and you know what? I agree. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Well I think this ramble-fest has gone on long enough.
Much loves where they go. I don't mean to come off growly or bitchy, just needed to vent! Y'all have a good night.

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