

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ah an itchling to write some more.

Twice in one week! Oh my Lanta!!

Well, I have some randomness that bugs the living Hell out of me! Why do people worry about what's happening far away or rumors or things we can't help when there are so many issues close to home??!?

Want to feed the hungry? Look in your own neighborhood! There are many who are living as best as they can yet not able to feed themselves properly. They are doing the best with what they have, go without eating so their children can eat, and are too proud to ask for help. I've been there,

Want to prevent war? Start in your own household. Care for your family, your children, your spouse. They (or you) COULD be gone tomorrow. How will you stressing what's going on with people 4,000 miles away help you? It won't. You worry so much, pray.

Why fret over all the crap going on when you have enough crap around you to deal with. We all have problems, things we need to fix, etc. Sometimes we forget that the most important thing in our lives are those we have around us: our children, spouse, friends, etc. You should change your way of thinking. So many people play the "oh poor me" card instead of saying "what could I do to better my child's life?" I guess what bugs me most about this is I have always put myself last. I'm sick, oh well, gotta help kids with homework. I'm missing Tye, Oh well, I have to make these littles a yummy dinner. What if my tummy issues are far more than I'm imagining them to be? Oh well, my daughter is having a nightmare. I might just be THAT different from other people. I might be odd. I might be someone you hate because I am me, or someone you love for that very reason. My children ARE my reason to live, My reason to laugh, My reason to focus on bettering anything that involves them. Those three little girls mean more to me than anything else in the world.

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