

Saturday, August 11, 2012

More Rambles from your Favorite Midget :D

Today is absolutely beautiful. Clouds in the sky, nice cool temperature, sun shining bright, ahhhhh. I wish it were like this all day, every day, 24/7/365. Such a calming morning.

Now, for my rant of the day... STOP LETTING DISABILITIES RUN YOUR LIFE! Yeah, I understand it's hard, they suck and there is "no way you can do it." Well guess what, you are wrong. It is hard, yes. Disabilities suck, yes. However, only you can change yourself to do what you want. I'm not saying you're going to get over your disabilities. The reason I'm bringing this up, is I have MANY friends who talk about how hard it is to be normal or do things that other people can, because of a disability.

Let's take a look at a few people, shall we? Here's an easy one, Ludwig Van Beethoven. Anyone who listens to ANY music knows this name. We all know he was Deaf. Did he let that stop him from creating beautiful music? NO. He wasn't born deaf, he started going deaf when he was nearly 30.

Next we will look at Nick Vujicic. Talk about an amazing person. Watch this video. He is incredible. Tell me you can't do it. Go ahead. You and I both know you can do anything. The way I see it, you are not disabled. You are human. We all have our positives and negatives about ourselves. Wake up, smile at the sunshine, take a deep breath and TRY. I, for one, can do anything. Tell me I can't, I'll do it just to prove you wrong. And before ignorance speaks, I am not saying I can make an elephant jump. I'm speaking of real life, importance. I was told I would drop out of High School because I left home half way through my senior year. I graduated with a 3.2 GPA. I was told I was going to amount to nothing. I have the most amazing life. Yes we have struggles, but who doesn't? I have my kids. I have love, I have friends, I have family. I own my house and three vehicles. Yeah, they like to break down, but hey, that's life, right? I am a full time student, and I WILL be a teacher. I belong with children. You may belong doing other things like photography *I want to be a photographer too, but one step at a time* or a doctor, or a fast food manager. If you are happy somewhere and belong there, by all means do it. Disabilities, whether they be physical or mental, aren't going to stop your dreams. Only you can stop your dreams. Be an inspiration, even if it's only an inspiration to yourself. I am :D

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