

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A little bit of everything

Okies, first we're going to have a little rant. If you are either in a bad mood, or just having a bad day STAY OFF OF THE COMPUTER!!! You misconstrue everything said as a stab directly at you. The vast majority of the time, people say what's on their mind, on the computer anyways. It is not directed at you unless someone writes "Hey such and such, you're an idiot" or something along those lines. I refrain from saying names a lot because it is rude to bring that attention on someone when you're the one with the beef against them. For example, if someone I know decides to make stupid decisions in their life and I am completely against it, I may write "you are such an idiot, think before you act!" then all of a sudden everyone who has done something stupid will react. I won't say "Hey George, you are being an idiot." unless they know how blunt I am and that they won't get their feelings hurt by my saying so. Yes, I bring a lot of my thoughts forward and the vast majority of you know that I don't really care if I hurt you or not. I am blunt. But come on, someone is writing something in general, not directly at you. If you don't want the negative feelings or attention, DON'T READ IT!!! Get off Facebook or whatever you are on, sit back, read a book, go for a walk, play a game, just GET OFF THE DARN COMPUTER! I am so tired of reading "don't mess with me today" or "don't talk about me" type crap. I mean come on now.

We went to Kansas last month, visited with family and had a great time. We even put Tye in Jail! My Momma will be here for a week on the 16th. It'll be great to see her again as I haven't since Christmas! Then at the end of this month, we are going to Utah to see Shellie and her soon to be hubby get married. I'll get to see two old friends at the wedding *Shellie and Nicole* and meet some wonderful ladies I've befriended over the past few years. Next month I have a baby shower to attend, and then we are planning a camping trip at the end of September! WHEW busy busy!

School is going good. I still have my A's. I'm working hard. I will have my associates in November, so GO ME! I am continuing on for two more years to get my bachelors. I'm excited.

OH I wanted to bring a website to attention. This guy does AMAZING art. His name is Jason Bullard and WOW. I have 4 prints of his, finishing building the frames for them but yeah. I'll take pics of them when I'm completely finished.

I'll stop rambling for now. Much Loves where they go!

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