

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Life is such an incredible adventure. Tonight we are going to start our trip to Utah. We will be attending a friend's wedding and meeting some incredible friends that I've known for 5 years. It is a  16.5+ hour drive, but with both me and Tye, it'll be an adventure!

Yesterday, I decided I was going to start walking. I did a 4 mile trek, 2 miles to the cemetery, 2 miles back home. My legs and tummy and derriere were all telling me that I did good! Yeah, I am sore this morning! I am proud though. I am starting something good for me. YAY for new adventures.

My Monsters all started school again. They love it. I couldn't be more happy that they love school. I will help them chase their dreams. I'm currently proving to them that dreams could come true. I will have my associates in Educational Paraprofessional at the end of November! It is nearly time for me to start my capstone, which is what will determine if I receive my associates or not. I know I will pass, simply because I'm amazing.

I love that I can soon be working within the school systems. I am hoping to be able to work at Hedley ISD as that's where my kids attend, however I will put my application in all around. I just want to be around children. I love helping them better themselves.

OH!! I applied for a social media and community service role through National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I feel as if I can do more for this program and gain better leadership abilities. I am also going to be a penpal at In2books again and a mentor at I want to help people, and what better way than doing things through school.

I am happy. Truly, deeply happy. I have incredible friends and my amazing family. I love my life. The only thing I would ever change anything would be to bring all those I care about closer. I love you all tons. **hug**

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