

Thursday, February 22, 2018

You know what really sucks? When you've bent over backwards for a particular friend, yet you feel like they've slapped you in the face.

Back story: I've known this person from my childhood, lost contact, found each other years later and rekindled the friendship. I attended her wedding by selling many personal items to get there. I drove 3 hours one way many times for birthday parties or weekends at her house. Crap happened between us and her life went downhill for a while. Now this "friend" hasn't asked for an invite to my renewal and had told me that she doesn't even know where she will be emotionally during that time. I've tried being a better friend to her. I don't agree with a lot of what she's done or with what she's said. Yes, I've made many mistakes in my life, too. I feel horrible that she doesn't want to come to celebrate with us. I thought friendships we're better than that.
Oh well, I know I'm not the best friend to have. I know I'm a horrible person. I don't reach out, I don't ask for help, I don't start many conversations. I always feel like I'm bothering people when I do. The worst part of it is I do listen. I tell people when it's a bad idea to talk to me instead of arguing about certain things. I care, cry and laugh with you. I guess that's simply not enough.

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