

Friday, September 30, 2016

It's been a while!

I know it's been a while since I wrote to y'all. I have wanted to write but couldn't find words that fit at the time. Right now I feel the need to talk to y'all about things that matter, at least to me. Sit back, grab a drink/snack and get ready for more of my infamous ramblings!

I'm going to start with my life right now. It's STRESSFUL!!! I love what I'm doing, I love everything that keeps my days busy. I love that I am helping more kiddos this year, yet I miss being with the kiddos I had last year. They will always have a certain spot in my heart. I love the look on kids faces when they "get" things they've been struggling with. For instance, geometry! Yeah, that isn't easy to learn as it is. I'm relearning every day in order to help these kiddos. Once we go over things in class and they come talk to me afterwards asking for extra help to comprehend it, then it's one of those "Ah ha!" moments! Those are the best. It's a true blessing to see that I am beneficial to some people. I'm learning that I matter!!!

I've been put down more so then I ever have growing up. They, for some reason, dislike me. I'm okay with that and I'm learning to block out them when they talk to me. It's better than me blowing up at them. The thing is I know I'm needed, I've heard it out of their mouths. "She's great with the kids and amazing at math, which is a rarity for this school." My kids *yeah I call all the kids at the school mine haha, I have a lot!* show me every day that I'm a necessity for them. They have respect for me, as I do them. I treat them as equals, I talk to them and make sure they know they matter. I remember high school. I was a social butterfly, but there was always "drama" and BS from people who thought they were better than you. I had days where I'd hide out in a tree or near our house after school and bawl. The only time I let them see me get upset was when I wrote an essay about a significant change in my life. I wrote about when we moved to Wyoming from California. My grandma passed within 7 months of us being there. I write it my senior year, 4 years after it happened. I let them see a part of me that I don't let out much. That was the only time I let them see that part. 

I get upset a lot now, but my anger turns to tears, which makes me feel as if those "above" me view me as someone who is insignificant, someone who is emotional. I was told that the reason why I've taken so much to heart this year is because I do truly care about what I'm doing. All I want to do is make a difference. That's all I've ever wanted to do. 

Kylie is in sports again this year. Her grades are good. She's playing the flute for a second year and in student council. I always get compliments about what a wonderful personality she has. She's always willing to help, befriends those who need a friend and is honest. She's a treasure that I couldn't be happier to have. 

Danielle is playing the trumpet for the second year and loves it! She has great grades and is so good at math, she astonishes her teacher. I worked with her over the summer on PEMDAS or Order of Operations. Her class isn't learning those until the end of the year. She loves showing her math teacher what she can do with it. She takes on helping classmates who have issues with any subject and helping them understand things. She has one more year before she can start sports. She's funny, smart and sweet. 

Taylor is still a little princess. She likes reading and making new friends. She loves her teacher this year and is really enjoying 3rd grade. I talked to her teacher during APTT night *basically group parent/teacher conference* and she informed me that Taylor is a true joy to have, is very helpful and is willing to work hard. 

I'm so blessed to have such wonderful kids. They make me smile and laugh even on my worst days. I sure do love them. 

My hubby works his butt off, but compared to previous years, he is home every night. It's a new way of life for us, and we love it. He loves that he's able to get to some games and other school related things for the girls. He helps them with homework, and teaches them things constantly. We went camping and will go on many more camping trips, and he taught the girls so much. They love having their daddy home. I fall in love with him more and more every day. Yeah we have some rough days, arguments and whatnot, but over all, we're pretty dang happy. I wish there was more I could do for him to show how much I love him! 

I don't know if these quotes happen to be written well for the movies they're in, or if they were written specifically for/from this actor, but I love them. It's kinda ironic that so many quotes from so many different movies could all be spoken by the same outstanding man. You don't want my opinion on suicide, but Robin Williams is truly missed. These quotes I'm going to write out and put around my every day life. They are a great reminder....

"Imagining something is better than remembering something." - The World According to Garp

"The human spirit is more powerful than any drug, and THAT is what needs to be nourished; with work, play, friendship and family. These are the things that matter." - The Awakenings

"You'll have bad times, but it'll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to." - Good Will Hunting

"I try to make sense of things, which is why, I guess, I believe in destiny. There must be a reason that I am as I am." - Bicentennial Man

"What some folks call impossible is just stuff they haven't tried before." - What Dreams May Come

"No matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas can change the world." - Dead Poets Society

"Our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death." - Patch Adams

"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win no matter the outcome!" Patch Adams

"Please don't worry so much, because in the end, none of us have very long on this earth. Life is fleeting, and if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky, when the stars are strung across the velvety night, and when a shooting star streaks through the blackness turning night into day, make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular!" - Jack

"To live would be an awfully big adventure!" - Hook

"Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary!" - Dead Poets Society. 

and a quote straight from Mr. Williams::

"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it!" - Robin Williams

These quotes simply remind me of life itself. We cannot do everything to fix things that are wrong, but we can always do something. Don't live for the past, and don't live for the future. You can focus on the future and what you want to become, chasing dreams and whatnot; however, live for today. Spread a little kindness. A little love truly goes a long way. 

My lovelies, this is all I have to say for now. I hope I didn't bore you too much. There are just times where I need to let things loose, and regardless of the outcome of these actions, I'm happy. Things are hard, but life is great. I choose to view things in a positive way. I challenge you to change your POV to something positive when things are tough. You can make it through!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Well then!

Good Afternoon people! I am frustrated, disappointed and fed up. How are you?

I've been searching for a second job for 3 months now. It is beyond hard to comprehend why companies won't hire when they said they're hiring. I am working my butt off in the current job I have. We are behind on bills and struggling to remain upbeat. I refuse to show my discouragement in front of the girls. They are happy, healthy * mostly* and enjoying life.

So... to change my point of view on rough times, I'm going to start focusing on something a little more important.
 I am working out every day, little workouts, but it's a start. I am also going to go to the Doctor to get blood work done to find out if there is anything that can be fixed.
I am still pursuing my photography but I'm not getting a lot of people interested. These pictures were of my nephew's 4th birthday. My awesome, possum husband dressed as Batman to help my nephew celebrate. It was a lot of fun!
We had gone to Out of Africa, which is an amazing place. This beautiful white tiger was just chilling, so we took a picture of my loves with him. I love the way it turned out.
 Then this giraffe just followed us down the fence line and when we stopped, he looked down at Taylor and it was just so dang cute! I think he asked her to take him home with her!
When all is said and done, we have chosen to focus in a healthier tone. Laughter, joy, smiles, and pure happiness are what we focus on now. It's certainly hard sometimes, but so worth it.  

Why not focus on the positives in life rather than the negatives?