

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I watched Ellen today like I do every day, but today I cried sad tears whilst watching it. At the end of the show Ellen was talking to a couple who lost their son to suicide in 2009. He was bullied in school. I will never understand the hatred people could have for others just because they have differences. Why focus on differences? I am short with long dark hair. I am different than many people in many ways. Why is there so much damn hatred??? The way I see things, we all bleed the same color. I have been teaching my children to encourage friendships with all other kids regardless of their looks, religion, sexual orientation, or background. It's sad that these differences are what causes people to think poorly of others and makes them judge them. You want to hate on someone? Come hate on me! I can take it easier than many others because I know who and what I am. Your opinion is nothing. You don't feel how the victims of bullying feel. You who bully should feel ashamed. Not only is your opinion nothing but you are nothing. I support Ellen and JCPenny and others who are bullied for being different. Don't like it then kiss my a$$!!!!!

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