

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I watched Ellen today like I do every day, but today I cried sad tears whilst watching it. At the end of the show Ellen was talking to a couple who lost their son to suicide in 2009. He was bullied in school. I will never understand the hatred people could have for others just because they have differences. Why focus on differences? I am short with long dark hair. I am different than many people in many ways. Why is there so much damn hatred??? The way I see things, we all bleed the same color. I have been teaching my children to encourage friendships with all other kids regardless of their looks, religion, sexual orientation, or background. It's sad that these differences are what causes people to think poorly of others and makes them judge them. You want to hate on someone? Come hate on me! I can take it easier than many others because I know who and what I am. Your opinion is nothing. You don't feel how the victims of bullying feel. You who bully should feel ashamed. Not only is your opinion nothing but you are nothing. I support Ellen and JCPenny and others who are bullied for being different. Don't like it then kiss my a$$!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March Already?

March is halfway through. Spring has sprung, at least on the calender. My anniversary is coming up. My middle daughter is graduating from Kindergarten in a couple short months. Where did time go?

I know I haven't posted since December, time sure flies when you aren't paying much attention. We are doing good. School is great, I have a 3.96! I have a deep want to be working in the school system, either with young kids or with special needs kids. Passion, I guess is the correct word rather than want. I will have my Associates in Arts for Educational Paraprofessional in November and I will continue on another 22 weeks to achieve a second Associates in Early Childhood Education. Will I make a good teacher? I don't know the answer to that. I know that I will do my hardest to help students academically as well as be there for them to talk to, to help better them in all aspects of life. We all start out as students, then when we get married and have children, we become teachers. Parents have a hard life, focusing on their children, making sure they are safe, healthy, happy, have all their needs and everything in between.
Bit of a random thought, but how the Hell can people hurt children??!? I keep reading about child molesters, rapists, murderers, and so on. Those actions are bad enough but when done to children, it just irks me. Kids cannot defend themselves, they feel as if this stuff happens to them because they did something wrong. You want to feel big and bad so you do this stuff to babies? Want to know what you are? Afraid. You are afraid. Want to see what you mean to people like me? Come find out. Go stand in the middle of the Grand Canyon, or row a canoe into the middle of the ocean. You are insignificant, you are nothing, you are garbage.

KK sorry about that randomness. I have read too many sad stories about children being hurt and basically getting away with it. Makes me want to buy a 50 cal and take the judicial system into my own hands.

Ok, to lighten up this post, I shall bring up something that is very important to me: my friends and family. I've got the best of both. I have friends who have turned into my family,
family who has turned into my friends. I have joy, love, life... times are good! I am truly happy. I miss my husband a ton, but we've grown closer over the last few months. The time apart really hurts, but talking daily, texting, emails or by phone helps a lot. He's amazing, no question asked. I have friends that make me remember what real friendships are. High school was one thing, not many real friendships, just people who are trying to get through school. I can sadly count only two real friendships through High School. I have friends now, whom I have never met, or met once, who I can rely on. These friends are there for me to talk to when I need it. They help me rejoice in the good times. They even watch my girls grow up with me. These friends don't judge me by what I do wrong or differently than they do, they see me as a Mom who cares, a woman who is attending school to better her future, a friend who truly wants to be there for them. I hope they all know how much they mean to me. My Mom and I have gotten closer. I love her to death and hope she sees that she is vital to my life. I need her. My kids are growing into beautiful children, playing sports, doing great in school, growing up on me. They make me smile daily, many times a day. I've gotten to know several people on my husband's side of the family. They are incredible people who accept me for who I am.
I think I've rambled enough in this post, Promise to post a little more often than once every three months hehehe.

Love you, my friends, my family, my life. :D