

Saturday, December 13, 2014

It's been a while

Hey beautiful People! It's been a while since I posted on here. I have a lot to say today.

Okay, TWICE this week, I was told something along the lines of "poor kids" *or overheard it* when it came to the discussion of television and video games. We have netflix and DVDs in my house. I do not have cable or satellite television anymore, nor do I have any gaming systems anymore. We didn't watch enough television to give us a good reason to keep it, as for video games, we played maybe once every six months. Yeah, my "poor" kids don't talk cartoons, toys, TV shows or video games with their friends at school. They don't care either. They don't ask for games or TV shows.

My kids have such incredible imaginations, they play sports, jump on their trampoline, read books, and enjoy the Hell out of life. We watch movies together and always have fun playing board games. We are not a normal family in this day and age, but you've no right to assume my children are lacking in communication with their friends or that they are lacking in their lives. The first time I heard someone say this was at the school I sub at. Yeah I'm a sub now by the way! Best job in the year, but we'll get to that. Anywho, one of the kids I was talking to had asked what my kids favorite video game was and was telling me all about Minecraft. I told them we don't have a gaming system anymore. We sold it due to a short check and bills needing paid. There was no need for us to keep something we used maybe twice a year anyways. One of the parents who was there to pick up their child had leaned over to another parent and said "those poor kids" whilst watching me talk to this sweet little. It's funny, the kid had nothing cruel to say, he just smiled and said it was cool to play sports and board games. He said he wished they had that at his house. Hmm... The second time this happened was today, in Wal-mart as I was grocery shopping. We walked right past the gaming section to the board games. Some lady said, "Oh they have that on Xbox and Playstation now." I don't remember which game I was looking at. I said, "We don't have a gaming system anymore." She walked away saying "oh those poor children." You freakin blockhead! No, My kids don't play video games, they get bored with them and always ask to go play outside instead. I've no problems with video games, mind you. We played Mario all the time when we were little. We just don't seem to enjoy them in our family. The only games we did play was Just Dance and Tye liked golf games. We just didn't get into them. Again, there is nothing wrong with them, I have many friends who play games on a regular basis. I've family who play games as well. We just don't play them in our house, no need to be hostile about it. :D

Yeah! I started Substituting in October. This job has shown me many things in my life:
1. This job is HARD! There are always kids who are going to push buttons and even though you want them to respect you and enjoy your being in their classroom with them, you still have to get on them. I don't like getting onto kids, especially when they are just being kids, but it's necessary to keep them in line so others can learn, too. 
2. Kids have the sweetest hearts, even more so than I originally thought. One little boy came up to me at recess and told me the sweetest, most sad thing I've ever heard.
Boy: Mrs. M. Emily is playing with Klay and not me. My heart only beats for Emily, not the Emily in my class but the one with red hair! 

Me: Aww honey, I'm sure they will let you play with them if you asked! 
Boy: But Mrs. M., Emily has a heart for Klay and not me! but my heart only beats for her and I'm so sad.
Me: Aww do you want me to talk to them?
Boy: No, I will get her heart to beat for me!

Can we get an Awww??!?
3. The love that these kids give me is incredible. I love that they recognise me, hug me and draw pretty pictures for me. I feel as if this is where I belong.
4. I believe that I was truly meant to be a teacher. I enjoy it so much and do my best to do a good job. I just want to make a difference in the world and these kids. They matter and will be important to our future!

My photography is going well. I love it. Not a whole lot of people are even bothering to give me a chance, but you know what? That won't stop me. I do what I love for wonderful people and do the best I can. I've gotten better at this editing funness. I'm not great, but I do my very best!! I am technically chasing two dreams and chasing them hard. I WANT to be a teacher and I WANT to be a photographer. Guess what? I'm both! Never cease from chasing your dreams.

Life is what you make it, right? Mine is blessed beyond all meanings of the word. I have an amazing family who loves me, friends who are there for me regardless, and two jobs I love dearly. My kids make me smile and so proud every day. They are my pride and joy and I couldn't be more grateful to have three such incredible little girls! Kylie just turned 11, my little girl isn't so little any more. :( I don't know who gave her permission to grow up, but they need to stop telling her! Good things still happen to good people.

Over all, I have a damn good life, and even though I don't get to see my husband as often as I'd like, I'm so lucky to have him. I love him with all I have and am so happy to have him. Many people don't have what I do, and I know I'm very lucky.

Okay, my ramblings are over! Sorry, just needed to write tonight! Much loves where they go!