

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Life we Lead

Hi everyone. This is going to be a little bit different. Wait, not really. I'm pretty much going to ramble on until I'm done.

Hmm where to start.... I think I'll start with my photography. I started my own photography business. I'm not in it to get rich. I'm in it to help people who can't normally afford sitting fees and multiple prints. My prices are DAMN good prices and I stand by my work. I am learning to edit pictures as that's something I've never done. I know I'm not the BEST but I do know I'm good! I don't even care if you don't like me, I guarantee that you'll love the photos and will come back for more.

I am missing my kids a lot this month. They've been in Wyoming with their paternal grandparents for 2 weeks and will be there until the end of the month. They're everything to me. We will be going up camping with Tye's great grandma and other family. I'm looking forward to it. I love them to death. I miss them and haven't seen the majority of them for 3 years or so. I, for one, adore my family, whether it's family that I'm married into or it's friends I've adopted as family, or my own family. I don't get along with the vast majority of my blood relatives but I do love them.

 Life is hard for everyone. We all fight for everything, working our butts off just to survive in this big, bad world. I used to be one of those who would complain about my spouse being gone. I love Tye to pieces and it's way hard having him gone three weeks at a time for work. He's my world. I am lucky, however. I get to see him whenever I am able to drive up to him, even if it's just a few hours. I get to talk to him daily, by either text or phone. I get to spend a solid week with him after his three week stint. Yeah, your hubby might be gone over night. It sucks. Yeah you might not get to see him for months or even years at a time. It sucks! You learn to deal. It never gets easier. 

Never be afraid to speak your mind. If you voice your opinion and people try to push you down, push back. They are no better than you. We are equal. I got into an argument with one of my previous professors about me saying "When I was younger, I didn't view my friends as Black, White or Hispanic." She told me that I  had to be "extreme white" to have views like that. I told her no, what I had with my friends then was real. I didn't see color, I saw personality. There are many people who are way ugly by learning of their personality. Looks aren't what makes you beautiful. If you have an incredible body, gorgeous face but a personality that just sucks, you are one of the most ugly people around. What happened to "we are American"? We are equal, we are all the same. You aren't better than me. I am not better than you. I'm an American Mutt and damned proud of that fact. I have friends who are White, Hispanic, mixed, Mormon, Baptists, Christians, tall, short, thin, bigger, and other differences. Why judge people by looks or backgrounds or religion? I believe in this, you believe in that, awesome, let's go have pizza. To put it bluntly, people suck. We are ruining our own country. Putting it in hands of those who scream "racist" when that has nothing to do with it, who take advantage of everything they can. Yeah, you gotta live for you, no one else. But really? Why not fight for what you want? Why not do the best you can in everything? Why not prove you are better than that?