

Monday, March 18, 2013

What is Deployment?

Okay, I am going to write this for the MANY people who argue with me that Tye was not "deployed" in the military because he was stateside. In 2003, Tye was DEPLOYED to Fort Polk, Louisiana. Yes, that is a real deployment. Just because he was not sent over seas does not mean he didn't fight for our freedom! Lookie here:
"The deployment phase of the cycle begins with the physical movement of individuals and units from their home installation to the designated theater of operations. This phase of the deployment cycle can be a stressful time for servicemembers and their families as they face the realities of a deployment and what that means for them. The remainder of the deployment phase primarily involves the performance of military duties in support of the mission either in the theater of operations (overseas) or within the United States. Near the end of the deployment phase, the unit will begin preparations for its return to the home installation, culminating with the unit’s redeployment home." (Deployment, n.d.) This CLEARLY states that the deployment of our military members is ANYWHERE in this world.

The reason I felt the need to share this is when I proudly say that my husband had been deployed, many, many people argue with me. They say that "They are only deployed if they go overseas." This is a false statement, obviously. Being away from family and friends, if it's to Louisiana, Kenya, Iraq, Germany, is not easy on anyone. It's not the best lifestyle, and it is hard on both the servicemember as well as their family and friends. I was lucky enough for my husband to get out of the military when Kylie was young. I'm sorry but I am a family person, as is Tye. Yes, right now he is away from home 3 weeks straight then home only 1 week, but let me tell you, that week he's home every month, is always the best week when it comes to memories and family fun. I'd rather him be away from home for 3 weeks at a time than 6 months -2 years plus. My husband is my dearest friend, I stood beside him when he was in the military, I stand beside him now, working his butt off in the oilfield. He is a good man and deserves more respect than what many people give him.

Before you try arguing with me, you might want to check who you are talking to. Check your facts. I will never stand down when I know what is right. People who fight stateside deserve the same love and respect that people who fight in Iraq deserve.

Deployment: An Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from