

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Well, sometimes I get irked at people for what they do, what they don't do and reasons they do/don't do things. I know, it's their life, why should it matter? Well most of the things that anger me are pointed directly towards others. I'll give an example so y'all know what I mean.

Mrs. Kippling has been bending backwards to help her friend. She has not asked for much if anything at all. When Mrs. Kippling decided it was time for a change, her friend decided that it was not fair to her if Mrs. Kippling went along with this change. The friend thought it was rude of Mrs. Kippling to want a better life than what she had, and decided to do and say what she can to hurt Mrs. Kippling. She would continuously publicly thank others for helping where she rarely thanked Mrs. Kippling. She'd do so IN FRONT of Mrs. Kippling just to be sure it hit her hard. Mrs. Kippling never had to be as wonderful as she was to her friend but was because she can. Now, shouldn't Mrs. Kippling's friend at the very least refrain from being a total jerk to Mrs. Kippling?

Taken advantage of, lack of manners, bullies, heartless jerks.... These people have no clue on how bad they are hurting others. I am writing this instead of chewing their butt because it's not my place. I love Mrs. Kippling tons and would do anything for her. She is smart, sweet, generous and always does her best to make others happy. It is STUPID of people like Mrs. Kippling's friend to stab her as they did.

On a plus side, MY PARENTS MOVED HERE!!!! It took a lot of heartache, backache and headache, but they are all moved in, parts that were broken are fixed, and they FINALLY have a house to call their own. I hope they are able to enjoy it as much as I enjoy having them near me. I love being able to go get a hug when I need one, let the kids play with Granny and PaPa Truck and eat great meals together. I couldn't ask for more!

Kids are loving school. They had a blast trick or treating last night. They were so adorable! I love my little monsters. They are happy girls, healthy and absolutely amazing. My kids have respect and use their manners. Ya know, they could teach most a adults a thing or two about those qualities. :D

My school is going good, Three short weeks and I'll have my associates! I'm not sure if any of my siblings have degrees, but I'm going to share mine with every person who's stood by my side during this journey. I am going to continue on to get my Bachelors. Could you imagine me as a teacher? It'll be a new adventure!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I'm thankful for so much. That is for another post though! Christmas is less than 2 months away... scary huh? I want the kids to have an incredible Christmas. That doesn't mean a lot of gifts, but a lot of love. I want to decorate the house, both for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. I want to do so many things, to make so many more memories.

Well, I think I've rambled enough for one post. Much Loves to you all!