

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Well, now. Life sure is interesting, isn't it? There are deaths, births, divorces, marriages... So many ups and downs. Sometimes we just want to run the race, keep going until we have no more energy. "There are only so many hours in a day." "I wish it would hurry up and be Friday!" "I can't wait until the weekend." Yes, we are only given so much time. Days are short. Things need to get done. Take a deep breath. Remember why you do the things you do. Stop and smell the roses!

Life is not guaranteed. We need to take life one step at a time. It shouldn't be 100% about work and "buying things". It should be about who you love, who is by your side, what you do together *sitting together and watching a movie at home constitutes as an amazing evening together, at least in my opinion.* Life is to be enjoyed. I know I'd rather have laugh lines than frown lines.

I have had many stresses, downs and basically sad times in my life. I have overcome all that was thrown at me. I have an incredible hubby, amazing children, loving parents, a roof over my head and my schooling to better myself. Life IS what you make it. If you are sad all the time, and not even trying, life will be that way. If you are happy and willing to enjoy yourself in everything you do, your life will portray that. That's what I have realized over the years. When I was down and things weren't going my way, life seemed hard and unbearable. Now that I'm happy, life is beautiful and I am doing my best to keep a smile on my face, good things keep happening. I love it when life cooperates hehe. I do take the time to smell the roses. I enjoy the little things in life, my childrens' laughter, the smell of cakes as they are baking, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the cool breeze swaying the trees... Life is amazing. I make my life amazing.

I'm just sick of people telling me that their life is horrible. There are many who complain about being single, no life, no friends... Uhm... GET OUT THERE YOU FOOL! Go mingle, enjoy life, someone will come along, see how much you enjoy life and they will want that change in their life. No one can change your life for you.

Yeah, that's enough rambling today. Much Loves!