

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Hi my friends and family!! I am almost finished organizing my house. I am soooo happy to have a place that's mine.

Okay, I got on here today to vent a little. There is one word that is forbidden in my house. "can't" That word is the most untruthful, hateful word there is. You can do anything!! I know things get hard, I know you think it's impossible. I love the word impossible. Look closely: "I'm possible". Now listen, I am far from perfect. Things get hard. You want to change where your life is leading but you "can't" due to funds, due to your significant other, due to your job blah blah blah. You want to be happy? Love your friends and be the kind of friend you want. Smile when the sun shines on you. Take a deep breath and one step forward. SLOW DOWN!!! Life is not a race. Dance just because. Laugh at silly thoughts. You can do anything. You are more amazing than you think. You are my friend and I am by your side each step of the way. Doubt me, I will prove you wrong.